Everyone on Wall Street has read these investment banking books, while not the best interpretation of what your actual job will entail they are entertaining reads. When in college and during your early career you should read as much as possible not only to expand your knowledge but to flush out your true career goals.
If you are unsure about what to do after college, i.e. Sales and Trading, Consulting, Investment Banking, etc. then I highly recommend you read the 3 books below.
Here are my top 3 that are definitely must-reads for Investment Banking:
The Fast Track: This is a great book for anyone trying to flush out what they want to do with their career. The book breaks down entry-level jobs within management consulting, investment banking, and securities trading. If you’re not sure what you want to do with your business degree then read this book.
Monkey Business: This is a classic for investment banker wannabes. Money Business gives you a great glimpse of Wall Street and is a must-read for any inspiring investment banker.
Liar’s Poker: This book has been a staple for investment bankers for over a decade. Michael Lewis is a brilliant writer and this book has been read by every investment banker on Wall Street.
Others books recommended by Street of Walls:
- The Big Short
- One Up On Wall Street
- Wall Street: A History
- The Big Short
(Written by Michael Lewis, describing recent economic recession)
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